~ anonymous
It is 10 am and I am still in bed. Usually I get up by 7am do some yoga and meditate then shower and have breakfast followed by a lovely walk in the park with the dogs. Today I have a very bad head cold with lots of coughing and snuffling, well not so bad now after dosing up with flu tablets. I took those tablets yesterday as well and it made me realize how much pain I usually put up with during the day. The flu tablets contain an analgesic and it is really making me feel much more comfortable. Normally I only take pain relief medication at night so I can sleep, during the day I just try and distract myself from the discomfort. Today I will write a bit about side effects, but first a little update on other things.
My sister came over from the US for two weeks which was great, lovely to spend time with her. We
So, at the moment I am concentrating on continuing with current medication and dealing with the side effects. The peripheral neuropathy is getting worse and is affecting my legs up to my knees with the feet badly affected. It is becoming hard to balance on uneven ground and my feet get very sore if I walk any distance or if I am on my feet for a long time. It is weird how my feet can feel numb and painful at the same time. Muscle cramps are continuing although they do seem to be a bit better since trying a new, and very strange, remedy - a cake of soap in the bed at night. I have no idea if the improvement is coincidence or real but it is a great relief not to be leaping up out of bed with severe and painful muscle cramps at regular intervals during the night. I get up and stretch my calves only to have the front
Next on the agenda is to see what the cancer marker is doing and to see the oncologist and reassess current treatment and timetable the next scan/test. Meantime I have just started a new supplement that is supposed to help heal the damaged nerves and alleviate the peripheral neuropathy. As this is starting to cause some disability I will also discuss this problem with the oncologist. It seems to be related to when I started the hormone treatment, Fareston. It could be a cumulative effect as it is also a side effect of the thalidomide and zometa that I take. The alpha lipoic acid and p-5-p don't seem to have helped.
I have started a course on Mindfulness which runs over 8 weeks which I am hoping will help me be more in the present and worry less about the future. The homework for that at present is body scan meditation which I often do anyway. I am already a lot better about enjoying day to day activities and the little things in life. Funny how a life threatening illness can do that for you. I am really enjoying doing my cross stitch embroidery. It is very relaxing and keeps me in the moment while creating something I like. It is also physically manageable, just the odd cramp in my hands.

Surviving and thriving