Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Sitting in the clinic at 3 pm. Have been waiting for several hours to get some neural therapy for the scars from my mastectomies. It is raining again and I am very tired even though I had a good sleep last night. Woke up nauseous this morning but am quite a bit better now. The weather was gorgeous this morning but it is now raining.
I read up a bit on the neural therapy and it sounds very interesting. Apparently scarring can affect the electrochemical function of tissues. So the cells in scar tissue have a different membrane potential from normal body cells. Whenever a cell has lost itts normal membrane potential, ion pumps in the cell wall stop working. This means that abnormal minerals and toxic substances accumulate inside the cell. as a resultt, the cell loses the ability to heal itself and resume normal functioning. Procaine ( a local anaesthetic) is injected and acts on the ccell wall to allow the ion pumps to resume normal action and restore the membrane potential. By re-establishing the normal electrical condition of cells and nerves, the disturbed functions are also restored to normality and health is returned to the area as far as this is anatomically possible. I don't fully understand the process especially where the injection does not need to be at the site being treated. It is related to the autonomic nervous system function but I am not sure of the mechanisms.
Survive & thrive
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