"Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars."
Henry Van Dyke
It's been a very busy day. Went for a 40 minute walk this morning. Glen had left before me and seen a coyote quite close by. We have seen the scats along the track but this is the first sighting.
Spent most of the morning sorting through my medicines, syringes, needles, fluid bags etc. Found a few drugs missing that I should have brought over from Germany. Found a couple of items on the packing list that I have no idea what they are or where they are. I am also behind schedule for my chemo treatment so have made a revised therapy plan. Then I e-mailed Germany for clarification and the go ahaed for the new plan. Meantime I have ordered more needles, syringes and fluids and gave myself a Thymoject injection this afternoon with no nasty side effects so far. I usually feel unwell for 2 or 3 hours after it but so far so good.
Managed a bit of swimming in the pool before lunch. Up to 10 laps of the 10 meter pool, trying to increase by 2 laps every day. I had just sat down to lunch on the patio when I saw the coyote across the other side of the wash. Looked in good condition, no ribs or hip bones sticking out and the coat wasn't mangy. Very exiting.
Last night we were all lying on the chaises outside looking up at the sky, the stars were amazing. The lack of humidity here and the lack of lights as we are away from the nearest town ensures a beautiful clear view. Saw a big shooting star and a few satellites. Then we saw a much bigger light moving across the sky about the same rate as the satellites but in a diffferent trajectory. Found out today that it was the International Space Station with the shuttle attached. Wow! Then tonight we saw them again, now separated but still reasonably close together. They were only visible for 5 minutes last night and 2 minutes tonight. What luck that we were out there looking at just the rigtht time. We knew what time they were due tonight but there was a huge storm coming over and we thought it might be too cloudy but we were quite lucky again.
There was a spectacular sunset tonight. We went out on the quads to get a better view from up high. It was Glen's first go on one and she went really well. I was on the back with Paula but also had a go at driving on the way back. Lots of fun. Saw a lovely sunset over Fountain Hills and a lightening show in the opposite direction.
Surviving and thriving
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