My lesson at the moment seems to be letting go of control. A constant lesson really, if you have cancer. I was supposed to get my blood results a few days ago but when they arrived it was only really one small part. The correct tests had not been requested by the doctor so I have to wait another week while the tests I need are processed. The result I did get was very good. It is a count of the number of cancer cells in a small sample of blood. So not highly accurate overall but a good way to keep an eye on trends. My last test in October showed 6.6 cells per 7.5 mls of blood. This has halved to 3.3 cells per 7.5 mls. I try not to think about how many cells that means that there are floating around my body but focus on the fact there are half the number that were there 6 months ago.
The rest of the results look at the genetics of the cancer cells such as their propensity to spread and grow new tumours and so on as well as testing them against a variety of chemical, natural and immunological agents to see what has changed and allow a revision of the treatment plan. Still don't know if I have to go back to Germany in July for treatment or not. So now the waiting and being patient and letting go. Hmmmm. Maybe that should be Ommmmmm.

Have been managing some short bush walks with the dogs - wonderful. The weather has been great, a bit cool but wonderful sunshine. See a lot more birds in the bush than in the park or our garden and it is nice to walk on dirt tracks, feel the breeze on my skin and smell the fresh air.
We are heading off to the Blue Mountains this weekend so hopefully will manage a bit of a bush walk up there. Weather forecast is good. Can't take the dogs, unfortunately.
Surviving and thriving
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