Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
~ Confucius
My visit to the oncologist was much better than expected. My cancer marker C15.3 has come down from 78 to 49. Hooray!!! Cancer markers are tricky things and individual. Mine have been quite good in terms of reflecting where my cancer is at. At it's highest it was 80 and the lowest was 29. Some people have it in thousands. My understanding is that it is not the amount per se that is relevant but the trend for the individual person, whether it is going up or down. Some people don't have the marker and for some it is not a reliable indicator.

There does not seem to be a test that is completely reliable. PET , MRI, CT scans all have their flaws and usually you need more than one test to check what is going on. If you have a relatively reliable cancer marker that seems to be very lucky as it is easily checked with a simple blood test. The scans all contribute more radiation to your body and they are more expensive. The laboratory in Greece that I sometimes use does do circulating cancer cell counts from a blood sample. It is controversial as to it's accuracy but in conjunction with other assessments can be quite useful.

Everything else in the blood screen was good. Liver and kidney function all ok and red and white blood cell counts all good. The new anti estrogen drug, Fareston, is causing mild problems with skin reactions. Lots of itchy little blisters with red lumps all over my body. Mostly arms and legs. Oncologist thinks it is an allergy reaction so I have started taking antihistamines. Will see how that goes. Hopefully some improvement. At least I am not getting as much pain in my hands and feet although hips and knees are just as sore. Muscle cramping is about the same, as are the hot flushes, head aches, nausea and constipation.

Generally I am feeling quite good. Still getting tired enough to need a lie down most afternoons but better than when I was first diagnosed. Walking the dogs in the park across the road is a highlight in the morning especially when it is sunny. It is a lovely park with a couple of creeks running through it with little cascades and plenty of trees and shrubs. It has about a 1 km circuit with some undulations so I also feel like I am getting some exercise. When I am having a really good day I manage to get around twice. The dogs love it too.
I have also taken up cross stitch. When I was visiting my mother I found one in a shop in Hawks Nest with 4 green budgies that appealed and thought I would give it a go. My mother has been doing cross stitch for 50 years and does some beautiful work. She has recently made one for me with a buddha on it. Beautiful. Never thought I would have the patience for it. My older sister has done some and enjoyed it but it never appealed to me before. I am really enjoying it, finding it very soothing. It requires enough concentration so that other thoughts don't get a chance but not enough to be taxing. Having cancer really does teach patience and I have had to slow down so much it is now a pleasant hobby.
Surviving and thriving.
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