Kindness is love,
but perhaps greater than love...
Kindness is good
Kindness says,
"I want you to be happy."
~ Randolph Ray

There is amazing empathy, understanding and a deep sharing between patients and patients and carers also. The carers will get their 'patient' a protein shake and check if anyone else wants one, same with water, glasses and anything else needed for comfort.
This is beside all the sharing of information and experiences and plenty of humour in spite of some serious suffering going on. I thought the photo Glen took one morning of the horses giving each other a back scratch was somehow appropriate to the topic for giving and kindness.
On the subject I would also like to thank everyone for their emails, blog and facebook comments. I really appreciate the support, caring, kindness, encouragement and thoughtfulness of your words. I am sorry I have not responded personally to thank you but you have warmed my heart and I am very grateful for your friendships. I am also deeply grateful to Glen for all her help in looking after me from carrying my computer to doing all the shopping and food preparation ensuring I have enough to drink, that I am comfortable and so on.
I started the Removab infusion about 6 hours ago and have just got comfy in the hospital bed ready for the reaction. There is another patient also on Removab today who has also had to head off to their hospital room. Have had a good day so far. Had a physio session this morning and a Reiki treatment after lunch. Very pleasant and relaxing, good preparation for the coming hours.

It was May Day here yesterday which is quite a big Spring celebration certainly in the south of Germany, not sure of elsewhere. Unfortunately we missed the activities but most villages have a raising of the May Pole with music and other celebrations. The night before they have big bonfires and fire works. We were home and thought it was thunder. Have a lovely view from the hospital bed. Just outside there is a beautiful young pine tree with a white blossoming tree directly behind it with the blossoms visible between the pine branches and either side of the pine tree. In the distance there are the lovely green fields, a few houses, a variety of trees and some lovely fluffy white clouds in a mostly blue sky.
Going to rest and read a little now and wait for my temperature to start going up and the shakes to start.
Surviving & Thriving
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